Ancestors of Sandra Tucker
Generation No. 101 Joash Jehoash, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of Ahaziah and Zibiah. He married Jehoaddan. Jehoaddan, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom.
More About Joash Jehoash: King: 843, King of Judah Child of Joash Jehoash and Jehoaddan is: i. Amaziah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Lachish, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Jecoliah.
Generation No. 102 Ahaziah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Megiddo, Philistines. He was the son of Jehoram and Athaliah. He married Zibiah. Zibiah, born in Beersheba, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom.
Notes for Ahaziah: Ahaziah was 21 years old when he became king of Judah. His grandparents (on his father's side) were King Jehoshaphat, one of the most righteous kings of Judah, and (on his mother's side) King Ahab & Jezebel, two of the most wicked rulers of the northern kingdom of Israel. I can't imagine what it must have been like to have those two as grandparents.
Ahaziah's Family
Ahaziah was the youngest son of King Jehoram. He was the only son of the king to survive the attack of Arabians on Jerusalem (see 2 Chronicles 21:1 or the previous section for more about that).
2 Chronicles says that Ahaziah was 42 years old when he became king, but 2 Kings says that he was 22 years old. The Kings version has to be the correct one, because he would have been older than his father if he was 42 years old at his coronation.
Ahaziah was the product of the marriage between King Jehoram of Judah (from the line of David) and Athaliah, daughter of King Ahab and Jezebel (from the Sidonians). Jezebel influenced King Ahab to bring Baal worship to the northern kingdom of Israel and Athaliah influenced King Jehoram to bring Baal worship to the kingdom of Judah.
Young Ahaziah
For the first sixteen years of Ahaziah's life, Jehoshaphat was king over Judah. It was a peaceful, prosperous and righteous time. The neighboring nations feared Judah and brought gifts to the king. When King Jehoshaphat went out to war, he sought the Lord and won many victories.
But I wonder what it must have been like to know that someone like King Ahab as your "grampa"? Or to have someone like Jezebel as your "gramma"? After his grandfather died, Ahaziah's uncles were the kings of Israel.
Ahaziah probably was not highly regarded in his family, since he was the youngest. The eldest was probably being prepared to take over the throne one day. The others were probably seeking to excel in one area or another. Little Ahaziah may have been the cutest, the one who was spoiled (or picked on) by the others. But he probably wasn't highly respected.
When King Jehoshaphat died, Ahaziah's father, Jehoram, became king of Judah. Then King Jehoram killed all of his brothers. What must it have been like for Ahaziah, who was a teenager by that time, when his uncles were killed? And by his own father?
Ahaziah lived throughout his father's reign. He watched the idols being set up again, and probably worshiped at them himself. He lived through the time when revolts broke out, in Edom and Libnah (his older brothers may have gone with their father and the chariot forces to fight against Edom, but Ahaziah, as the youngest, probably was not invited to come along).
Then Ahaziah watched the Philistines and Arabians attack Jerusalem, and break into his house, and kill all of his brothers and their mothers. It isn't known where Ahaziah was at the time, or why he was the only one to escape. The Bible says that King Jehoram, Athaliah, and Ahaziah lived beyond the attack.
Finally, young Ahaziah watched his father contract a horrible disease, lingering in pain for two years before he finally died.
King Ahaziah's Short Reign
Thus Ahaziah became king of Judah. There was no contest to his claim to the throne- he was the only heir left. In fact, the people were probably glad to make him king. The Bible says that King Jehoram "departed without being desired" (2 Chronicles 21:20). He made such a mess of the kingdom that people were probably glad that he was gone. It was probably a happy ceremony when Ahaziah was crowned king.
King Ahaziah's reign didn't last long (only one year, or part of a year), but he continued in the way of his parents, who went in the way of King Ahab. As the Bible says, King Ahaziah "did evil in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings 8:27).
One of the things that King Ahaziah did was to join his uncle, King Jehoram of Israel, in fighting the Arameans (or Syrians). In doing this, he was following another old family tradition. His grandfather Jehoshaphat joined King Ahab in a military campaign. Everything was the same as with Jehoshaphat and Ahab- they fought the same enemy (the Arameans) for the same territory (Ramoth in Gilead). The Israelite king wound up dead in both situations, although the timing was a little different. King Ahab was wounded and died in battle, and King Jehoram was wounded but didn't die from those wounds (he died from other wounds).
King Jehoram was wounded and was taken back to his residence in Jezreel. This was the home of Israel's kings- the Bible records many actions of King Ahab in Jezreel.
King Ahaziah visited his uncle in Jezreel, but he shouldn't have. That's because Jehu came to Jezreel and killed King Jehoram. He also killed King Ahaziah. Then he went on and killed Jezebel and all the rest of King Ahab's family. Click on "Jehu" below for more about this massacre, how Jehu reigned as king over Israel, and how his sons reigned as king.
According to the version in Kings, Ahaziah fled from Jezreel after his uncle, King Jehoram, was killed. Jehu sent men after Ahaziah, and they wounded him in his chariot. Ahaziah kept going to Megiddo, but that's as far as he got. He died there, and was taken back to be buried in Jerusalem. In the version in Chronicles, Ahaziah was captured and brought back to Jehu. He was killed, but Jehu commanded that he be buried, since he was the grandson of the righteous King Jehoshaphat.
In either version, Ahaziah's body was brought back to Jerusalem where he was buried. Then his mother, Athaliah, took over and ruled over Judah.
More About Ahaziah: King: 843, King of Judah Child of Ahaziah and Zibiah is: i. Joash Jehoash, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Jehoaddan.
Generation No. 103 Jehoram, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of Jehoshaphat. He married Athaliah. Athaliah, born in Shechem, Samaria, N.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. She was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.
Notes for Jehoram: Jehoram reigned eight years over Judah and, according to Scripture, not a single good thing came out of it. He began his reign wickedly - killing all his brothers in order that no one would be able to threaten his authority. Politically, it was during Jehoram's reign that Edom, a vassal of Israel, broke away from the subjugation of the kingdom. Spiritually, Jehoram undid the good work of his predecessor, making "high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem thereto" (II Chronicles 21:11). Because of his extensive sins, Jehoram was subject to brutal judgment; he was struck with a disease of the bowels, which eventually led to the need for his bowels to be removed. Furthermore, God roused the Philistines, Arabs, and Ethiopians against Judah. Jehoram died wretchedly, in great pain, and with his people facing enemies from every side.
More About Jehoram: King: 850, King of Judah Child of Jehoram and Athaliah is: i. Ahaziah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Megiddo, Philistines; married Zibiah.
Generation No. 104 Jehoshaphat, born 892 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom (B.C.); died 849 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of Asa and Azubah.
Notes for Jehoshaphat: 1. He continued his father's religious reforms. He was an ally of Ahab, who was king of Israel, and his successors, and he was the first king of Judah to make a treaty with the kingdom of Israel. He was succeeded by his son, Jehoram 2. The Valley of Jehoshaphat, mentioned in the Book of Joel as a place of judgment, has been identified by tradition with the northern extension of the vale of Kidron to the E of Jerusalem.
More About Jehoshaphat: King: 874, King of Judah Child of Jehoshaphat is: i. Jehoram, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Athaliah.
Ahab He married Jezebel. Jezebel Child of Ahab and Jezebel is: i. Athaliah, born in Shechem, Samaria, N.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Jehoram.
Generation No. 105 Asa, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died 861 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of Abijaam and Maachah. He married Azubah. Azubah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom.
Notes for Asa: Notes: died ca.900 BC
!Ref Mat: KJV-Holy Bible, MAT 1:8, RL Chart compiled by A.F.Schmuhl,
REIGNED: King of N.Kingdom & S.Kingdom 861-849
king of Judah (c.873-849 B.C.), son and successor of King Asa. He was an ally of King AHAB of Israel and his successors and was the first king of Judah to make a treaty with the kingdom of Israel. The Valley of Jehoshaphat, mentioned in Joel as a place of judgment, has been identified by tradition with the northern extension of the vale of Kidron to the east of JERUSALEM.
FILE: !(Adam's gg son 35)See Bible Dict Page 710; 1 Kgs. 15:24; 1 Chr. 3:10; Matt. 1:8 Also see W. Cleon Skousen's "The Fourth Thousand Years"; Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Copyright 1994, Columbia University Press.
REIGNED: King of N.Kingdom & S.Kingdom 861-849
king of Judah (c.873-849 B.C.), son and successor of King Asa. He was an ally of King AHAB of Israel and his successors and was the first king of Judah to make a treaty with the kingdom of Israel. The Valley of Jehoshaphat, mentioned in Joel as a place of judgment, has been identified by tradition with the northern extension of the vale of Kidron to the east of JERUSALEM.
FILE: !(Adam's gg son 35)See Bible Dict Page 710; 1 Kgs. 15:24; 1 Chr. 3:10; Matt. 1:8 Also see W. Cleon Skousen's "The Fourth Thousand Years"; Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Copyright 1994, Columbia University Press.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by Robert Ffafman p. E- 16.
1st Chapter of Matthew
More About Asa: King: 912, King of Judah Child of Asa and Azubah is: i. Jehoshaphat, born 892 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom (B.C.); died 849 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom.
Generation No. 106 Abijaam, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of Rehoboam and Maachah. He married Maachah. Maachah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. Child of Abijaam and Maachah is: i. Asa, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died 861 in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Azubah.
Generation No. 107 Rehoboam, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. He was the son of King of Israel SOLOMON and Naamah. He married Maachah. Maachah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. She was the daughter of Absalom and Uriel.
More About Rehoboam: King: 933, King of Judah Child of Rehoboam and Maachah is: i. Abijaam, born in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Maachah.
Generation No. 108 King of Israel SOLOMON, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of David and Bethsheba. He married Naamah. Naamah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom.
More About King of Israel SOLOMON: King: King of Israel Child of King SOLOMON and Naamah is: i. Rehoboam, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Maachah.
Absalom He married Uriel. Uriel Child of Absalom and Uriel is: i. Maachah, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married Rehoboam.
Generation No. 109 David, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Jesse. He married Bethsheba. Bethsheba, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom. She was the daughter of Amiel and Eliam.
More About David: King: King of Israel
More About Bethsheba: Queen: Queen of Israel Child of David and Bethsheba is: i. King of Israel SOLOMON, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; married Naamah.
Generation No. 110 Jesse, born in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Obed. Child of Jesse is: i. David, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; married Bethsheba.
Amiel, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He married Eliam. Eliam Child of Amiel and Eliam is: i. Bethsheba, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, S.Kingdom; married David.
Generation No. 111 Obed, born in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel; died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Boaz and Ruth of Moab. Child of Obed is: i. Jesse, born in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel.
Generation No. 112 Boaz, died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Salmon and Rahab. He married Ruth of Moab. Ruth of Moab, born in Moab; died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel. Child of Boaz and Ruth Moab is: i. Obed, born in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel; died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel.
Generation No. 113 Salmon, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Nahshon. He married 16385. Rahab. Rahab, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel. Child of Salmon and Rahab is: i. Boaz, died in Bethlehem, Judah, Israel; married Ruth of Moab.
Generation No. 114 Nahshon, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Aminadab. Child of Nahshon is: i. Salmon, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; married Rahab.
Generation No. 115 Aminadab, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Aram (B.C.). Child of Aminadab is: i. Nahshon, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel.
Generation No. 116 Aram (B.C.), born in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel. He was the son of Hezron and Jephunneh. Child of Aram (B.C.) is: i. Aminadab, born in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel.
Generation No. 117 Hezron, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Caleb-Ephratah, Goshen, Egypt. He was the son of Pharez. He married Jephunneh in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. Jephunneh, born in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. Child of Hezron and Jephunneh is: i. Aram (B.C.), born in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt; died in Jerusalem, Judah, Israel.
Generation No. 118 Pharez, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Abt 1638 BC Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. He was the son of Judah and Tamar. Child of Pharez is: i. Hezron, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Caleb-Ephratah, Goshen, Egypt; married Jephunneh in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt.
Generation No. 119 Judah, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. He was the son of (I) Jacob and Leah. He married in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine. Tamar, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. Child of Judah and Tamar is: i. Pharez, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Abt 1638 BC Rameses, Goshen, Egypt.
Generation No. 120 (I) Jacob, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine. He was the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He married Leah in Haran, Padan-Aram. Leah, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine. She was the daughter of Laban. Child of (I) Jacob and Leah is: i. Judah, born in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt; married Tamar in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine.
Generation No. 121 Isaac He married Rebekah. Rebekah, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Beersheba, Canaan, Palestine. She was the daughter of Bethuel. Child of Isaac and Rebekah is: i. (I) Jacob, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; married Leah in Haran, Padan-Aram.
Laban Child of Laban is: i. Leah, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine; married (I) Jacob in Haran, Padan-Aram.
Generation No. 122 Bethuel Child of Bethuel is: i. Rebekah, born in Haran, Padan-Aram; died in Beersheba, Canaan, Palestine; married Isaac.
Abraham Child of Abraham is: i. Issac, born in Haran, Padan-Aram
Generation No. 123 Terah Child of Terah is: i. Abraham, born in Haran, Padan-Aram
This page was last edited on: 08/15/2005 06:05 PM -0400 Created by Sandra Samuel 2005 |